Monday, March 28, 2011

Start of Week Two

On Saturday, March 26 I walked 10.8 miles in an all day cold rain arriving at the shelter area.  I set up my tent and ate a dehydrated meal of pasta primavera.  Dehydrated dinners are popular.  What a treat to have a lighter backpack!  I went to sleep at 8:00 PM and awoke at 7:00 AM.  The last time I slept 11 hours I must have been a teen or in college after an all night cramming session.  Unfortunately the rain made mud everywhere--on my shoes, clothes, tent, backpack, etc.  I loaded up my gear on Sunday morning and started out.  For many hours the visibility was 75 yards at most as a cloudy mist covered the mountains.  Then as if someone opened the shades at home, the clouds lifted and the sun came out.  I hiked 9.4 miles over an extremely rocky tree rooted path.  Only my hiking sticks kept me from falling several times.  I stopped mid afternoon to call my wife.  I told her I was sitting on top of a mountain and all I could see in all directions were mountains.  On Sunday night I stayed at a Super 8 motel in Helen, GA, the Gatlinburg of Georgia, 50.8 miles from the start of the trail.  Every building looks like a chalet.  I'm getting a late start this morning because the weather forecast looks good this afternoon and evening and all day Tuesday.  However rain is forcasted for Wednesday and Thursday


  1. Hi Bob: Good to hear from you! We are really interested in this incredible adventure you have undertaken and wish you much luck as you continue on your journey. Take care and stay safe. Bob and Cindy Angell

  2. We are enjoying following your journey! Keep up the good work! Hope you don't see any bears as I hear they are prevalant around some parts of the trail.

    The Harps

  3. Robert,

    I have a hunch you'll be off the tread soon for new boots...or at min. re-soled @120-130miles.

    Sent U an e-mail earlier today.

    Wishing you many steady gaits and few blisters,
