Saturday, March 26, 2011

Week One

The first week was extremely difficult but exciting.  The Georgia terrain is both rugged and steep.  I climbed several mountains including Blood Mountain (elevation 4,461 feet-the highest peak in the AT in Georgia).  I also created hotspots on both heels and several of my toes are sore.  To lighten the load after four days of hiking, I bought a lighter tent and backpack from an outfitter.  In addition I also reduced backpack weight substantially by shipping somethings home and sending a box forward (bounce box) with items I may need later.  I couldn't continue to carry such a heavy backpack.  My backpack now weighs about 32-35 pounds.

The trail is really in the wilderness.  I have not seen a home since starting the trail and I have passed only two paved roads in the first 30 miles.  Rhododendrons were plentiful in the first few days and tiny white, yellow, and purple violets were just merging along the trail.

On the third night the temperature got in the 20's as my water bottle froze.  After camping for three nights, I was blessed to stay in a cabin last night with indoor plumbing, kitchen, and bathroom.

So far this morning, it is raining hard so we haven't started hiking.  Thanks for your prayers and support!


  1. BG good to hear from you. Rain not good. Electricity is a marvel. Stay strong!! JB on Paula's page

  2. Hi Bob, Following your progress on this life changing journey. Here is a little inspiration: It is the final steps of a journey that create an arrival.
    Best wishes,
    Tom and Ellen

  3. Bob:
    Hope you dry out and you are in our prayers!
