Friday, June 3, 2011

Entering WV

After a hearty breakfast on Wednesday (6-1) at the Quality Inn in Front Royal, Bob Dowdy drove me back to the trail.  I started hiking at 10 AM.  I started in an area called Northern Virginia and I have just 48 miles left to go in this state!  I ate dinner at the Manasses Gap Shelter with two retirees from Ohio who are section hikers.  One was a Superintendent of Nordonia Schools and the other was a judge from Bucyrus (Crawford County).   It was fun to have dinner with Ohioans.  I resumed hiking until 8:30 PM when I camped near a spring.  I hiked 16.3 miles.  On Thursday (6-2) I began at 7:50 AM on a near perfect weather day.  The humidity was low, the temperature was in the low 70's, and it was breezy for most of the day.  I ate lunch at Rod Hollow Shelter.  Check out this big spider I saw while I was eating lunch.  You can see how big he is compared to the tip of my finger.  There was an even bigger one but he was too high up to get a picture.

After lunch I began "the roller coaster"--13 1/2 mile section of the AT with 10 very steep ascents and descents over rocky ridges.  The trail is certainly tough on the feet.  I arrived at the Bears Den Hostel at 6:30 PM.  I had pizza, pop, and a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.  I enjoyed a shower at this very nice facility.  It is the nicest hostel I have seen to date.  The building is in great shape and the caretakers are friendly and helpful.  Here is a picture of it.
The hostel is owned by the Appalachian Trail Conservatory (ATC) but operated by the Potomac ATC.  I went 17.3 miles.  On Friday (6-3) I enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes and also a pint of Ben and Jerry's banana split ice cream.  Yes, I had ice cream with my breakfast.  That might have been a first!  I started hiking at 8:30 AM and reached the Blackburn Trail Center at 1:00 PM.  I finished "the roller coaster" and entered WV.  Here is a picture of the WV sign.

A few hours later I reached the 1,000 mile sign!

The Blackburn Trail Center offers a free spaghetti dinner every night so I took advantage of that for dinner.  I only needed to hike 7.7 miles today. 


  1. Way to go, Bob! That 1000 mile marker must have been a real thrill! We are so enjoying your updates-thank you! Enjoy your visit with your family this weekend, and rest those sore feet a bit!
    Ed and Birdie Searle

  2. Mr. Grau, I'm really enjoying following your trail progress. What an incredible journey you're on (physically, mentally, spiritually)! I'd love to talk w/you down the road about the different geology you're seeing along the way...we geo-nerds get into that sort of thing (lol)! Safe travels & God speed!
    Fran (Herlihy) Snyder

  3. What a blessing to have "milestones"! Keeps us going and gives us hope. Bob, You have had many milestones in your life, and this is yet another to add more color to your journey through this side of Heaven. I am so happy, and excited for your adventure. God speed.
    Your Friend,
    Mark Gwynn

  4. Wowza! That little sign speaks more than a thousand words doesn't it!? What a journey..
    Hope the Fam is bringing you new shoes, you have to keep your feet healthy!!..maybe some gel inserts for a few hundred miles!
    Blue skies ahead
    Michelle Schulz

  5. You are truly remarkable. We will have a place in Florida ready for you to relax when you finish your hike. Stay healthy, my friend. - Terry Biddle
